How To Use Acetaminophen Safely



Modern medicine can be described as nothing less than a marvel. Diseases that once devastated entire populations have been all but eradicated through medical science. One of the greatest advances, though, at least for those suffering from minor pain or fever, is that of acetaminophen. This drug, which is contained in common Tylenol, has a variety of uses. It’s the most common drug used in medicinal products, and as of now, it’s contained in over 600 prescription and over the counter drugs. Unfortunately, it is possible to have negative reactions to acetaminophen, so taking it properly is absolutely essential.


Fortunately, statistics show that the most common danger associated with its use is intentional overdose, but this doesn’t mean that innocent individuals trying to use the drug legitimately aren’t sometimes harmed. According to the website of Doyle Raizner, Tylenol liver damage lawyer, “On average, 400 people die a year from acetaminophen-associated overdoses. These events are not due to intentional overdosing. Instead, these are cases of therapeutic ingestion of the drug where the patient took staggered doses that contained more than the recommended dose.”

Follow Instructions Precisely


The most important step in using acetaminophen is to use it as instructed. Any medicine containing this drug will have specific directions on how it should be used. These instructions are meant to prevent any liver damage or potential overdose. Of course, some people may have different medical needs, and this will sometimes lead their doctor to alter these directions. So unless a medical professional directs otherwise, following the instructions on the label is usually sufficient.




Recognize Potential Allergic Reactions


It’s very rare for a person to be allergic to acetaminophen, but just as is the case with almost any other substance on earth, it is a possibility. This is the case even when the drug is taken as instructed, so it’s imperative for a person to recognize the signs of a dangerous, and potentially fatal, reaction. If, after taking a medicine containing the drug, a person experiences trouble breathing, severe dizziness, swelling of the throat, tongue or face, itching or rash, they should immediately seek out medical attention.




Avoid Use After Drinking


One of the most common ways that acetaminophen use can lead to permanent liver damage is by using it in conjunction with alcohol. Alcohol has damaging effects on the liver, and taking too much acetaminophen can have the same effect. When combined, these effects are intensified, and what individually may cause no damage whatsoever can lead to serious complications when combined. So though it may seem like a good idea to treat a hangover with acetaminophen-containing drugs, it most certainly can turn dangerous.




Know When To Seek Further Help


Using acetaminophen is relatively safe, and the majority of people who do so will never experience negative after effects. Unfortunately, there are conditions that cannot be treated with its use, and when taking the drug, it’s important to be able to recognize when a larger problem may be occurring. One of the best pieces of advice is to cease using the medicine and visit a doctor if underlying symptoms get worse or new symptoms arise.



It’s also important to seek medical advice when acetaminophen isn’t doing the job that it’s supposed to do. If taking the medication hasn’t reduced a fever after three days, for instance, medical treatment should immediately be sought. This is also true if underlying pain continues after a week of use. A continued headache or the development of a skin rash should also be a red flag that something may be awry.



Writer Lisa Becker relies on the pain relievers on a daily basis. It is one of the best, and definitely the most used drugs currently available on the market. Just as with any drug, however, it does have potential dangers. In the course of her research, she found the website of Doyle Raizner, Tylenol liver damage lawyer to have a plethora of information that was useful in writing this article.



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