Summer Loving: Why the Sunny Season Gets You in the Mood


What is it about summer that gets you in the mood? Is it the boozy barbeques or your rocking new bikini body that gives your sexual wellness a spike? According to sexual health expert Shiv Joshi, ‘Think summer and those in cooler countries will smile at the respite from bitter cold. But those living in tropical countries will think of intense sunlight, unbearable heat and excessive sweating. Under such circumstances, getting intimate seems out of question. You think? Far from that, in fact, in most countries across the world a lot of weddings happen in summer. Naturally, there is a spike in copulation too. But besides the cultural mores, there are biological reasons why summer is linked to increased sexual activity.’ So forget all about cuddling up on a long, winter’s night – there are six sexy and scientifically-proven reasons why your summer should be hot, hot, hot!


1. You’re More Fertile: ‘Summer is one of the best seasons to get intimate from the propagation of species point of view,’ Joshi asserts. ‘Several studies have concluded that the brighter the sun, the better our fertility and sex drive. Studies at BostonStateHospital by Dr Abraham Myerson found that ultraviolet rays lead to an increase in testosterone [the male hormone] by as much as 120%. Ultraviolet light also increases the level of female hormones. Research also suggests that more sunlight is good for sperm production and ovulation.’


2. You Feel More Aroused: Joshi details, ‘Sunlight has a direct effect on the brain’s serotonin production, according to researchers at the Human Neurotransmitter Laboratory and Alfred and Baker Medical Unit, Baker Heart Research Institute, Australia. Our serotonin levels increase with increase in luminosity. And how does that matter? Among other things, serotonin also regulates arousal. You can’t complain of shortage of the sunlight this season! Not just serotonin, but sunlight affects many other hormones in our body as well, some of which are associated with mood and pleasure feelings. It decreases melatonin, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine and increases cortisol, serotonin, GABA, and dopamine.’


3. Your Libido is Heightened: Andrew Goldstein, MD, co-author of Reclaiming Desire, points out, ‘As the day gets longer, the amount of serotonin and dopamine in your brain increases—specifically dopamine, a hormone that stimulates libido.’ Joshi explains, ‘This is how it works. Lots of dopamine triggers the production of testosterone—a hormone that controls sex drive not just in men but even in women.’


4. Your Sensations are Enhanced: ‘The summer heat is good for your sex life too,’ says Joshi. ‘It works on your muscles, by relaxing them and intensifies sensations of the skin. Further, the heat slows us down. This helps us get in touch with our more subdued sensual side.’


5. Summer Has Sexier Smells: Joshi comments, ‘Even the sweat that many would find gory does a world of good for your torrid encounters, according to psychiatrist Alan Hirsch, director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Chicago, USA. When we sweat, the scent glands in our skin secrete mate-attracting pheromones, which register in those areas of the brain that control sexual urges and trigger desire. Ah! That explains why a lot of people get turned on by smelling their lover’s used clothes. Sweat also boosts our own natural scents, which attract our lover.’


6. You Have More Skin On Show: Goldstein outlines, ‘The heat and humidity affect our libido in indirect ways too. We’re wearing less clothing and showing off our bodies more. Often, that can be a subconscious or conscious signal.’ So dare to bare all this summer!

better sexhot hotincreased libidojoshinbspSerotoninSex DriveSummersunlight
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