The benefits of outdoor workouts

The concept of exercise often conjures up thoughts of yoga classes or working out in a gym, but exercising outside can provide a variety of benefits you may not have considered. Outdoor workouts not only save you money but they can also heighten your mood through exercising in a natural environment.

Getting out amongst the landscape and enjoying the fresh air puts you in a better mood immediately. Research has proven that being outside can have a positive effect on your mood, sense of wellbeing and general happiness. In fact, one study discovered that being amongst a natural environment heightened the mood and sense of self, as well as removing feelings of depression and eliminating the risk of tension. This coincides with the concept of ‘cabin fever’, where many of us feel more negative and low as a result of being trapped inside due to the weather.

Allowing yourself to breathe fresh, unpolluted air can have a positive effect on your energy levels and can help you to feel more invigorated. Oxygen, after all, fuels our bodies so we can work at maximum capacity. Outside workouts also keep you motivated in a way that indoor exercises do not – you look forward to them more and feel more stimulated to keep to a regular regime. The outside factors such as fresh, crisp air and feeling at one with your surroundings all make exercising more enjoyable, which will keep you motivated to continue with regular workouts.

Exercising can sometimes seem like a constant battle with your willpower, but taking those activities outdoors can improve your productivity and mood, whilst helping you to maintain a more constant regime. It also opens up a whole new variety of exercises, from running and hiking to cycling, which are vastly more enjoyable when performed amongst a natural and inspiring environment.