Where to look for natural immune boosters

Health experts and medical practitioners are always explaining the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet, not least for its positive effects on the immune system. A balanced diet is rich in nutrients and reduces the need for vitamins and supplements. There are healthy additions you can include in your diet such as natural vitamin C or blue green algae can help to eliminate the gaps in an unhealthy diet. Similarly, echinacea is a well-known immune booster, as are well known super foods such as raw cacao, acai berries and goji berries.

Mainstream medicines view the body as imperfect, so it believes it can improve on nature – homeopathy views the opposite but there are still factors which contribute to forming ‘blockages’. These stop the immune system from working as effectively as it should. This form of healing uses the body’s signals and symptoms and reads them to decipher what ailments need fixing, as the remedies will be unique to each person. It also means that each natural remedy you find that works for you will be an immune booster for your body. Although the ‘blockages’ may come back, the remedy you discovered to suit your body will fix the problem again, until you no longer need it.

There are many remedies available for a variety of ailments and health conditions, which can be used to treat acute problems depending on the immune system of the individual. This is where therapeutic and home prescribing works at its best – this approach is regularly used by naturopaths and homeopathic GPs. While you still need to be aware of your body and the symptoms you are showing, the more you know about your immune system the better and quicker you can heal any health problems you may have.