Leading a Better Life through Yoga

Most people are aware that there is more to ‘Yoga’ than what they do in their yoga class.  But how can the ancient philosophy of the Indian mystics benefit us in our modern lives?

Firstly, it is important to see physical exercise as a preparatory aspect of the full yoga system.  The practice of ‘asanas’ was always meant to strengthen the body and prepare it for meditation.  Those of us who have experienced a great sense of calm at the end of a yoga class will understand how this works.  Similarly, the breathing techniques (pranayama) of the yoga system aim to harness energy and direct it toward meditation.  While you may not aspire to be a meditator, you can greatly benefit from improved concentration in your life.

The full system of yoga begins with a system of ethics – ‘do’s and don’ts’ according to ancient Indian philosophy.  Most of them will sound very familiar to you; do not harm, do not steal, do not lie, etc.

Desire is said to be an endless thirst, so your wellness can suffer if you don’t control your indulgences (in whatever area they tend to be!).  “Wanting more” usually stops us from actually enjoying what we already have.  We all want to feel the peace of satisfaction and to do that we have to stop ‘wanting’.  In this way, the ancient wisdom ofIndiais relevant to all of us, and always will be.

Your wellness is not just a case of physical, or even mental, wellbeing.  It includes all your emotions, thoughts and actions.  Yoga aims to unite body, mind and soul and this is why it is the most complete complementary practice available.