An amazing new development in the USA has led to another alternative to sufferers of this condition, one which doesn’t require cutting them open. That’s right; doctors have actually developed a way of operating on a person’s heart without a full open heart surgery. Take a moment to think about how miraculous that is in terms of advances and where it could lead.
Have you breathed in that rich aroma of medical potential for long enough?
Good, let’s talk specifics. The procedure involves replacing the diseased aortic valve with an artificial one. This artificial valve is made from cow tissues and polyester with a stainless steel supportive mesh. It’s put into the body through the larger femoral artery in the thigh, threaded in using a catheter in fact! Once it reaches the site of the diseased valve it’s released from the catheter and expanded using a small balloon. Scientists say that as soon as the artificial valve is expanded its fully functional.
This astounding surgery has just been approved in the USA and should it prove as successful as it seems capable of being, it could well lead to a new age of pinhole surgery!