Which Mobility Device is for you?

Which Mobility Device is for you?

When it comes to a mobility device, you’ve got to pick the right one. It doesn’t matter if you need it for the rest of your life or for a protracted recovery, it needs to suit your needs and it needs to be comfortable. They’re not cheap and if you end up with something which isn’t quite right you’ll have wasted a lot of money!
There are two main types of commonly used mobility devices, these are powered electrical wheelchairs and mobility scooters. These two devices will allow uses to maintain their lifestyles to the best degree and allow them to go about day to day chores relatively easily.


Electric Wheelchair

Quite unlike their manual, often uncomfortable counterparts the electric wheelchair’s plush and can easily be sat in all day without any discomfort. They’re quite capable of manoeuvring around any obstacles and will allow users to shop or get out and about with a minimum of fuss.
Most electric wheelchairs are operated by a small joystick which only requires one hand to control. This means the other hand is kept free at all times, making your grocery shop much less of a taxing affair! Their turning radius and cushioned seats mean that the electric wheelchairs are perfect if you’re intending to be in them all day while fulfilling whatever tasks and chores you may need to.


Mobility Scooter

Though usable indoors, the mobility scooter is quite a bit larger than the electric wheelchair. This won’t be much of an issue in the supermarket but if you intend to go to a smaller store then you might have some issues. Of course there are smaller mobility scooters on offer but these might be hard to find.

This device will be best used if you want to get from A to B but can walk all right when you get there. It’s better at travelling longer distances but allows less manoeuvrability in tight spaces. If you’re looking for an aid which you intend to be in all day, this may not be for you!