Achieve Mood Wellness with Your Diet

Mood swings can be difficult to judge, as everyone has their ups and downs. However, if you are suffering from mood swings, you’ll want to know what you can do to stabilise your mood so you can become the best possible natural you, without having to rely on expensive and addictive medications.


Whether or not you are suffering from mood swings depends on the severity and length of typical symptoms. A sign of a mood swing is generally demonstrated by a sudden and abrupt change in your normal mood, in which you become extremely irritable, sad, weepy, angry or tetchy. You’re more likely to demonstrate mood swings if you’re suffering from anxiety or depression disorder, or else it usually occurs in children with ADHD.


So how can your diet help? If you have children with ADHD, it is important to make sure you provide them with protein at breakfast time, as opposed to an excessive amount of sugary cereals. A lot of research has been done on the role of sugar in mood swings and having a sugary breakfast will cause your child’s blood sugar levels to spike and cause mood swings, whereas protein can help keep his or her blood sugar levels steady. Another reason to limit sugar intake comes from the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah, who have provided research results that suggests sugar may actually feed cancerous tumours.


If you or your child suffers with mood swings, keeping a diary will help you establish what those mood swing triggers are, and where you can look after your wellbeing more to control them. Your diet could be a trigger, as you might find you get mood swings after a sugary snack or drink. Women should also note that your mood swings could be connected to your menstrual cycle. Keeping a diary will help you work out the best way to harness the mood-stabilising power of dietary change. For example, you can try eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These foods help to build the mood enhancers that your brain transmits, like tryptophan and serotonin.


You might also try throwing in a supplement with built in natural mood stabilisers. Research at the University of Maryland Medical Centre notes that the amino acid methionine, or SAMe supplement can be just as effective as certain anti anxiety medications. Your body normally produces this and increases your serotonin levels, which you need for a good mood. SAMe supplements have been known to improve the mood of people with vitamin B deficiencies that were not producing enough serotonin. However, with or without a supplement, diet is crucial to helping you get back on track.