Too much focus is put on features like intelligence or niceness and I’m here to tell that, though they help they’re not getting you anywhere on their own. The relentless, endless pursuit of our dreams is what our lives are and to ever stand a chance of attaining those dreams we have to be prepared to endure all sorts of negativity. The important fact to remember is that, regardless of how bad it gets you have to keep going. The minute you give up you let go of that dream and all that effort and time you put in is wasted.
Tenacity will keep you moving, it’ll make you strong. You’ll learn to accept the little setbacks when you can see the big picture and every step you take towards the place and the person you want to be. I honestly wouldn’t be where I am today without the relentless desire to prove everyone else wrong and the ability to keep going no matter what. The more I was knocked down, the more I was told I couldn’t go on, the more I felt that I had to. There’s nothing more satisfying in life than achieving something and then smiling at the people who told you it’d never happen. You’ll have earned it against all odds and for that reason, for the adversity you went through to get there, it’ll be worth so much more.