Is that Cola Fatty enough for you?

Is that Cola Fatty enough for you?

A factor that people often miss when they’re trying to lose weight is that of beverages. Just because it’s a liquid doesn’t mean that it isn’t bad for you and that it won’t pack on the fat. In fact some of the most calorific things you can consume are drinks. Beer and wine being surprisingly fattening along with all sugary drinks and energy drinks rolling right along with them. Sometimes, one of the most efficient ways to lose weight is by switching your drinks to water and your alcoholic drinks to a virtually fat free vodka and diet lemonade.


For kids this can a bit trickier. Once they get to a certain age they’ll be out of the house more than they’re in it and they’ve all got minds of their own. If they want to drink fatty drinks then they’re going to and there’s not much a parent can do beyond endlessly lecture or punish and quite often that just pushes kids towards doing what you don’t want them to anyway. So what do you do?


  1. Don’t have any in the house. You might not be able to control what they eat or drink outside of the house, but you sure can when they’re under your roof. Make sure to explain why there are no longer soft drinks in the fridge and what you’re trying to achieve. It’ll mean nothing if they just vanish suddenly.
  2. Communicate. If you explain the benefit of not drinking those drinks to your kids the chances are they’ll understand. IF they’ve got weight issues then they’ll be aware of that and they are unlikely to be happy about it. Such a relatively easy step shouldn’t be too much of a fuss and if you treat them like adults then they’re more likely to act like them.
  3. Have an alternative. Find a healthier alternative to their favourite drinks, I love drinking water as its cheap and easily available everywhere but it’s not for everyone. There’ll be something which your kids will drink which isn’t crammed full of sugar, it might take some time and effort but you’ll find it if you persist!