Gratitude and wellbeing, be happy with what you have

How often do you think about what you’re grateful for in life? Not as often as you think about what you want from life I bet. It’s not a bad thing, it’s pretty normal in the western world which is of course build around the driving force of want, work for, get. We show our worth through displays of wealth, it’s just how we are as people. The one with the biggest whatever wins, it’s all very Neolithic.

We’ve evolved emotionally and mentally since those bygone eras and it’s about time we started acted like the beings we profess to be. It’s not enough to want out of life, it’ll leave you feeling empty and unsatisfied. The grass is always greener on the other side but why is greener grass better?
The trick to being happy is being satisfied and the trick to being satisfied is really looking at what you have and realising how lucky you are to have it. Yes there will always be people who have more but in the same way there will always be people who have less. Attaining things brings satisfaction of its own but sitting back and smelling the roses has its own draws and far less health concerns to throw along with it.
In my opinion all life is, is a learning curve with an aim towards happiness. Some people are never happy and never will be. I tell you, I’d rather be happy than rich and I’d rather be happy than worked into an early grave. Money and fame might not bring happiness but happiness and feeling good about yourself bring their own rewards and the sooner you embrace the spectacular person you are the sooner you can start to reap those rewards!