Depression, Spirituality and Getting on with it

Depression, Spirituality and Getting on with it

Depressions a tricky disorder because half of the people who suffer from it won’t know they do. The people who do know they’ve got it tend to be a little too willing to consign their happiness to a bottle of pill and less willing to trust in themselves and work towards and happier life. It’s understandable but what’s better in the long run? An emotional crutch which will break away when the drugs are taken away or a foundation built with time, care and self-worth.

And you’re all worth so much. It’s not said enough, everyone’s worth something to someone and everyone’s important in the eyes of the ones that love them. It’s selfish to think otherwise, it’s selfish to believe that the emotions of those who care for you don’t matter. So how can you build yourself this foundation, this bedrock on which you can perch your life?

Start on the inside and work your way out. Spirituality can be of great help here and you don’t have to be religious to be spiritual. It’s all about developing emotional fortitude and if a belief in the divine or indeed the occult helps you build that up then that’s great and you shouldn’t let anyone knock it. Your emotional coping mechanisms are entirely your own, they’re for you to decide and develop and as no one else knows you as well as you do they don’t get to dictate the way you deal with things.
Remember that you’re an individual and as an individual your opinions and beliefs are as valid as anyone else’s. You can’t be a bad person just by being and if you’d made mistakes, so what? We all have, the mark of a strong person isn’t shown through never making a mistakes it’s shown by dealing with those mistakes, learning from them and then moving on. Life is a long old learning curve and by looking forward and forever watching the next horizon you can avoid getting bogged down too much in what’s going on right now.