How to do your to do’s

How to do your to do’s

Having a ‘To do’ list is a helpful way of keeping tabs on the tasks that you need to accomplish. Crossing an item off this list can be immensely satisfying and can help you keep organised with the things that you have to do. Having things written down can help to relieve stress, as you will not be constantly worrying that you have forgotten something. Research shows that humans have around 70,000 thoughts every day, so noting down the important ones is probably a good idea, as you’re unlikely to be able to recall every single one!

The first step to organising your time better is to make a list of tasks, but the hard work doesn’t stop there. Time management is not just about setting up the framework for organisation – it’s about following through with these strategies.

Organisation is critical for corporate wellness. Once you have a note of the things that you need to get done, it’s time to prioritise the tasks and work out a timescale. Some will need to be done immediately whereas some can be left until a later date or time. You will also have to sort out the difference between tasks that you need to do and tasks that you simply want to do. Things that are a requirement are obviously more important than things you simply want to do – although those are important for your wellbeing too. You can colour code items if you wish. Write priority levels down next to items on your list in order to separate them out.

Once you have prioritised, set yourself deadlines for the tasks you need to get done. Putting a definite date on it will force you to manage your time better in order to get things done. Balance things that you want to do against things that you need to do, in order to motivate yourself. For example, rewarding yourself with watching a film after doing your accounts can be a good way to encourage you to complete tasks.