Yacht Club introducing new programs

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A chance meeting by two fathers has culminated in two dinghy sailing programs at the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club (BQYC).


A dinghy sailing program is open to everyone, of all ages, who has a dinghy and wants to enjoy the camaraderie and enjoyment of sailing with other dinghy sailors. A second program will focus on laser race training for qualifying youth from the Quinte region who wish to learn more racing skills and tactics; part of the goal is to compete at local regattas throughout the summer.


“Many sailors of all ages started sailing in smaller one and two person boats commonly known as dinghies. A Laser sailboat is one of the most popular one-design sailboats with over 200,000 world-wide”, explains Dan Steinitz. “We wanted to create a program to encourage all dinghy sailors of all ages, to bring their boats home from the cottage or down from the garage rafters, join the yacht club and enjoy an opportunity to sail with other like-minded dinghy sailors.”


Jerry Luczynski’s son Henryk is a Bay of Quinte Yacht Club (BQYC) sailing school alumni and was looking for greater challenges and more race experience as he prepares to compete at the Canadian-Olympic Training Regatta Kingston (CORK)and other international events and regattas.


“I wanted to find a way to support Henryk’s desire to learn and compete but it was also important to me to support our local yacht club and other youth within our community,”said Jerry.


The Dinghy/Laser Sailing Open Program is hoping to attract Quinte area sailors that own lasers or other similar dinghies, and likely don’t sail them as often as they would like.The yacht club is offering sailors a place to store their vessel as well as a fun social environment. While sailors can access their boats anytime the Dinghy/Laser Sailing Open Program is earmarking Monday and Thursday evenings for this group to convene. Saturday is going to be race days with everyone joining in the fun and a chance to compete.


For the Quinte region’s competent young sailors, BQYC is very proud to announce the second component: – The Laser race team. The Laser race team registration is open to youth with a Bronze IV qualifications or greater, or qualifying competency. Youth whose family joins BQYC will receive this training for 2014 at no additional fee. The team will meet twice a week, Monday and Thursday to practice. The first practice will be June 12. The goal of the BQYC Laser race team is to promote and educate sailors in the Laser class in all types of rigs. To gain proficiency in the handling and racing of the boat in preparation for local and away regattas, culminating with CORK at the end of the summer. The program will be based on boat handling, seamanship, starting, mark rounding and sail theory.


As the program gained enthusiasm from members and potential yacht club members former BQYC sailing school alumni and CORK Bronze Medallist, Kyle Sudds, returned to participate in the organization.


“I started sailing here as a child and I loved my summers at BQYC! I want to be part of this program. I’m still racing and I want to support the youth who have attained that desire to race,” he said.


BQYC is also grateful to Maciej Mamon, who will be volunteering to head up the race training with Sudds. Maciej has in-depth coaching and managing experience from numerous clubs all over North America. Earning a B.A. in Psychology, along with over a decade of coaching experience, Maciej has the knowledge to continue to foster the growth of Quinte region sailors.


A membership and information session will be hosted at the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club located at Queen Victoria Park, on Monday June 2 and Monday June 9 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.