Reunion Island Tourism hosts German and Austrian tour operators

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The Reunion Island Tourism (IRT) office hosted another agents’ familiarization tour, this time from Germany and Austria. Last week ten representatives of German and Austrian tour operators flew to Reunion Island with Air Austral from Paris and embarked on a journey of discovery organized by Reunion Island Tourism in conjunction with local partners from the hospitality and tourism sector. During this voyage of discovery, two days were especially dedicated to diving and hiking, niches the Germans in particular were keen to promote in their vacation brochures and on their website.


Ten product managers of tour operators from Germany and Austria participated in this tour of Reunion Island, with two tour operators who specialize in promoting Diving – Aqua Mountain Travel and Sub Aqua Tauchreisen, and eight other general and special interest operators which promote Hiking – Terravista Erlebnisreisen, Travel Individuell, Kugler Reisen, Abendsonne Afrika, IslaVerde Reisen, Mandib, A & E Erlebnisreisen, One World Reisen mit Sinnen. The program of the five-day trip included two days dedicated to diving and hiking.


The group stayed at the Boucan Canot hotel located on the white sand beach of the same name from where the professionals undertook various visits. With time for lunch at the Boucantine, the group was able to discover hotels Le Nautilus, Lux, La Réunion, and Saint Alexis.


The group also undertook a trip to the Piton de la Fournaise, the active volcano on the island, before tasting the cuisine of Relais Commerson at lunch. On the way back to the Palm Hotel & Spa where they settled for the night, the tourism industry group stopped in the hills of Sainte-Suzanne to visit the Diana Dea Lodge.


On the last day, the visitors took to the air for a flight over the rugged interior of Reunion Island to explore the unique landscapes of the island from the sky! Before leaving for the airport, tour operators completed their stay with a visit to Domaine de Café Grille and garden with exotic plants, as well as Blue Margouillat Seaview Hotel, Villa Mascarine recently labeled Green Key, and Iloha Seaview Hotel. For the IRT, the objectives of this eductour were multifold and according to information received from St. Denis all accomplished:


• increase product managers’ knowledge of the destination


• increase sales of tour operators


• support tour operators in their programming


• encourage tour operators to include the island in their program destination and create circuits


• sustain relationships with partners


• develop awareness of the island on the German market in collaboration with tour operators


Three of the tour operators, namely IslaVerde Reisen, A & E, and Erlebnisreisen Abendsonne Afrika, have already started to promote Reunion Island with new vacation programs, affirming IRT’s strategy that personal visits do make all the difference.