How you can have a healthy and safe workout

How you can have a healthy and safe workout

Working out in the gym can help you get in better shape.  No one wants to get hurt, while trying to tone their thighs, flatten their bellies or build their muscles.  You need to know the most common ways you can injure yourself, so that you can effectively prevent making these mistakes. So, what are the easiest ways to turn your healthy workout into a disaster?

Here are some of them:

1) Skipping your warm up. Keep in mind that warm up exercises are there for a reason. It may be tempting to skip the warm up part of your routine and dive head-on into your workout, especially when you’re pressed for time. They work by preparing your mind and body for the task ahead and by improving the elasticity of your muscles to prevent injuries. This is what a healthy workout is all about.

2)  Not using the proper form. Using bad form not only compromises your workout, it also puts you at a greater risk for injury. Whether you are doing cardio workouts or weight training exercises, you need to use the proper form at all times. When lifting weights, keep your back straight when bending at the hips, don’t lock the joints or bend your knees excessively, and keep your head and neck as still as possible. Also, consider using proper fitness gloves since they provide additional comfort as you perform these muscle building exercises.

3) Going past your limit: To get the most benefits from a healthy workout, you need to know your limits. Don’t try to make up for lost time by overexerting yourself. This will not be beneficial to you and will not do any good.  It may cause harmful strain to muscles and tendons that can lead to pulls, tears, or snaps, not to mention dehydration and nutrient deficiencies.

4) Lifting excessively heavy weights:  This can increase your risk of straining your muscles and/or injuring your back, shoulders and knees. Weight training is a marathon and not a sprint. You need to work your way up to heavier weights in a gradual manner to build true strength and endurance.

5) Doing the same routine: Doing the same exercises over and over again can lead to overuse injury.  So, consider change your workout. Try to modify your moves, or work only certain muscle on alternate days, or revamp your total workout routine. Not only will it prevent boredom, but also prevent overuse injuries.

Whether you are doing cardio workouts or weight training exercises, you need to use the proper form at all times. When lifting weights, keep your back straight when bending at the hips, don’t lock the joints or bend your knees excessively, and keep your head and neck as still as possible. Also, consider using proper fitness or weightlifting gloves, as they provide additional comfort as you perform these muscle building exercises.

AdviceSafetyWorking Out