Genovel Orthopedics, NYU Sign Agreement to Develop Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment Technology

Genovel Orthopedics, NYU Sign Agreement to Develop Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment Technology

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Genovel Orthopedics has signed a research and license agreement with New York University for the development and commercialization of a new technology for osteoarthritis of the knee.


The technology — designed by Peter S. Walker, PhD, professor, department of orthopedic surgery, department of mechanical and aerospace engineering, NYU-Polytechnic; and Joseph Bosco, MD, associate professor, vice chair for clinical affairs, department of orthopedic surgery at NYU School of Medicine — is a next-generation treatment for patients who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee.


Genovel Orthopedics is a company founded by Pansend, a wholly owned subsidiary of HC2 Holdings.