Should we Trust Energy Healing?

When you first hear about energy healing, it can seem incomprehensible. We are used to the mainstream idea of medical treatment, which targets the physical complaint. Complementary therapists think that this approach treats the parts but not the whole – a true wellness practice is one that takes into account every aspect of the individual as well as the causes of problems, often thought to lie in the mind. Energy healing is about as different to mainstream Western medicine as you can get; it is little wonder that it remains an area of controversy.

Energy healing is a practice that works with the invisible energy sustaining all of us. This unseen element is called ‘Prana’ by the Indians, and ‘Qi’ by the Chinese. In fact, it is acknowledged by many cultures under several different names. This life-force energy is thought to run through all living beings, and blockages in its flow around the body are the true cause of illness. Whether or not we can attribute the cause of disease to the energy body, it is fair to say that energy healing is able to boost your wellbeing and state of mind, if you are willing to accept it.

Nowadays, several different types of energy healing are advancing in popularity. Reiki is an ancient Japanese method where the therapist conducts energy through their hands and channels it into your body.Crystal healing makes use of powerful crystals to amplify energy and send it to the source of your problem. Acupuncture maintains its popularity as an energetic manipulation working on specific acupressure points of the body. Spiritual or faith healing involves the patient joining with the therapist in spiritual meditation and can also include the laying on of hands. Other forms of energy healing include psychic or distance healing, touch, tapping and vibration healing.

Whatever you think of energy healing, one thing is for sure. It achieves results only when the patient is open to the possibility. Therefore, putting your skepticism aside is a necessary first step if you want to try it for yourself.

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