By Brooke Chaplan
Many of today’s jobs are sedentary, which is one of the reasons the obesity rate has been climbing for the past few decades. Fortunately, there are still jobs that will keep you fit. Below are some of the best jobs that will keep you healthy and at a healthier weight.
Painting is not as easy as many people think. In addition to simple painting, painters have to prepare the surfaces by sanding, stripping and washing walls. Those activities can help one burn hundreds of calories per day. Because full-time painters typically work eight to 12 hours per day, one can very easily stay fit by painting and prepping for painting.
Childcare Workers
Anyone who has children knows how exhausting having your own is. Many moms say that they say in shape by chasing their kids around the house. Playing with children, picking them up and getting them settled down is a workout, which is why childcare workers have an easier time staying in shape. Childcare workers are responsible for feeding, supervising, and bathing children of all ages.
Construction Workers
Construction workers build commercial structures, houses and highways. They spend their days operating machinery and lifting heavy objects. Every job that a construction worker performs requires a lot of physical strength. Staying fit is easy when it’s practically in the job description.
A coach is someone who teaches both professional and amateur athletes the skills that they need to succeed in a particular sport. Coaches also evaluate a player’s skills before allowing him or her to be on a team. Physical fitness is one of the keys to being a successful coach as well as being well educated. If you are interested in coaching, you may want to look at online coaching programs that can get you licensed quickly like an OU masters degree in athletic administration program.
Landscapers trim grass and trees, plant flowers, remove snow during the winter, and build patios and walkways. Landscapers are constantly lifting and bending as they go about their work. Landscapers also shovel fertilizer and mulch, and may use machinery like chainsaws and lawn mowers.
Medical Assistant
Medical assistants not only help people stay healthy, but they also get enough activity to keep themselves healthy. Medical assistants stay on their feet most of the day, they prepare patients for examinations, answer phones, schedule appointments and set up equipment. You might be surprised how many calories are burned in a doctor’s office.
The average person spends between eight and 12 hours per day at his or her job. That is why it is so easy for people to gain weight if they have a sedentary job. However, medical assisting, landscaping, coaching, construction working, childcare and painting can help one stay in shape while working.