Osteoporosis Prevention: Why It’s Key to Treatment Plans

Disorders that occur in our bodies over time sometimes only come to light when we experience issues with our wellness, making it tricky to then treat the original problem. Preserving our wellbeing can often depend on prevention by keeping our environment safe and health protected – which definitely applies to osteoporosis.

Benefit of youth

If you’re in your 20s and 30s and think you may be at risk of developing this condition when you’re older, you can adapt your lifestyle to preserve your bone health. Bone density is still increasing in your 20s so this is the ideal time to eat all the nutrients you need to keep levels high, including Vitamin D and calcium. If you’re taking medications like corticosteroids regularly or have had drugs to treat some cancers you may also be at more risk of getting the bone condition, so speak to your GP. Weight resistance exercise encourages bone cells to make stronger fibres, giving you the opportunity via lots of different activities to boost density.

After a fall

If you’ve already had a fall and then been diagnosed with the condition, you can still change your diet to include all the important nutrients to enhance bone cell production. You may also be offered a range of medical treatments, which also aim to encourage the growth of new cells. GPs also concentrate on reducing your risk of falling. You may be assessed to see if your home and health puts you at a greater risk of fractures from falling. Doctors might examine your eyesight and hearing to check that you can see hazards and your home could also be visited to try and locate possible hazards. Falls happen at a greater rate as we age because our balance declines and muscles weaken, but this can be rectified by exercise, showing that we’re never too old to start focussing on our wellness.
