How to avoid Type Two Diabetes in Ethnic Minorities

Type two diabetes isn’t full understood. It’s widely accepted that obesity can be a factor in getting the condition but there are all sorts of other factors which could also be involved and one of those is race. It’s not known why as of yet but certain ethnicities are at a much higher risk of type two diabetes than others are. If you’re Native American, Hispanic, of Caribbean or African descent, or of Asian descent then you’re in one of those high risk groups and you need to be extra careful of limiting your other risk factors to make sure you don’t get this life-threatening disease in the first place!
Here’s what you can do…

–                     Get checked, this is especially important if you’re from one of the mentioned ethnicities and you’re overweight. Getting a medical opinion and some tips on the best steps to take for you to prevent diabetes in your future would be a great idea!

–                     Lower that body weight, we’re not suggesting becoming an Adonis here. Just try and maintain a healthy body weight and you’ll lessen your risk factor massively. Losing as little as 5% of your weight could cut the likelihood of your contracting diabetes in half!

–                     Improve your diet, this is one of the most important things you can do. Think natural, fresh foods. Avoid the overly processed and things high in, even natural sources of, sugar. If you scout around a bit online you’ll find all manner of diets specially designed with lessening the risk of type two diabetes!

–                     Exercise! Regular exercise will lower your level of insulin resistance and in turn lower your risk factor.

–                     Less TV! The more TV you watch, the more likely you are to get diabetes. So get off the couch and get out into the world!

Remember, if in doubt ask your doctor. Nothing is more important than your own well-being!

AdviceDiabetesEthnic Minorities
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