What are the pros and cons of bone-building medicines?

As we get older fractures from falls can have serious consequences for wellness, so reducing the chances of breakages could help us live healthier for longer. There are many approaches we can take to limit bone fractures throughout our life, which can then let us enjoy a deeper sense of wellbeing.


Why bones break


Our skeleton is designed to cope with the stresses and strains of our daily life. Bone cells constantly renew tissue so it remains strong and adaptable. But when we get older, the renewal process slows and instead of bones getting denser, they get lighter. If we shed too many bone cells then we could be diagnosed with osteoporosis. This condition puts us at greater risk of fractures and breakages. These happen when the bone cells are torn apart due to too much stress, but in bone conditions this happens much more easily.


Combating bone conditions


Depending on where we live, there are a range of drugs available to combat the loss of bone cells and enhance density. In the US, medicine Boniva has just got approval from health boards to be prescribed, increasing the drugs available for the condition. It’s based on medicine ibandronate, which is a type of bisphosphonate, which is available across the world.


Side effects


Taking this medicine can promote the growth of bone cells, but wellness experts explain that it may produce fewer long-term side effects if we take a break from having it every few years. Some doctors may only prescribe it once a month for five years, then schedule a break in our treatment plans before we resume taking it again. We can get various side effects when taking bisphosphonates, such as pains in the stomach, arms, legs and muscles. Headaches have been linked to the drug, and digestion problems, as well as atypical fractures. With the right treatment plan we can attempt to reduce side effects and increase bone density to reduce our chances of breakages.
