What are the therapeutic benefits of massage?

Nobody is immune to the effects of a good massage! For most of us, taking a massage is a luxury or a special treat; a chance to completely relax and give in to a sensual experience. But, how many people truly appreciate the therapeutic benefits of massage? Massage is actually an excellent complementary therapy for the whole system, as well as chronic conditions.

Relaxation is the foundation of wellbeing. Massage induces an all-over sense of relaxation, which is the first step to making other changes in the body. Where tension exists, there is always constriction and blockage – in terms of circulation, muscular constriction or even vital energy. So, massage provides the conditions for your body to heal itself. It is especially good for your skin, as the stimulation brings your blood to the surface, strengthening the capacity of blood vessels.

Massage is now receiving a lot of respect from medical practitioners for its ability to deal with chronic pain. A recent study by CherkinDC, Sherman KJ, Kahn J, et al. in the 2011 Annals of Internal Medicine, showed clearly that patients experienced less pain in the short term when undergoing massage therapy than a control group whose treatment was limited to pain medication. Certainly, chronic pain can be debilitating and the power of relaxation is like a gift to sufferers of it.

If you have a specific problem in your body, you might benefit from massage therapy. Another recent study found that a one-hour Swedish massage had a powerful pain-relieving effect for sufferers of osteoarthritis of the knee. The study concluded that a weekly massage would reduce pain and stiffness for such patients.

Massage is like a tonic to your whole system, and regular massage can undoubtedly make a big difference to your life, mood, and sense of wellness. It is especially important when you are suffering a medical condition or illness – these are the times when your body needs love and attention the most!

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