How to prevent diabetes from interrupting your sex life

In a previous article we talked about all of the damage which uncontrolled diabetes can do to your sex life and the issues which can quickly spiral out of control and lead to difficulties performing in bed. In this article we’re going to look at ways of preventing this from happening in the first place and if/when it does happen, ways of solving whatever issues present.



Control those blood-sugar levels! I’ve said it in every diabetes article I’ve ever written and I’ll say it in every diabetes article I ever write, if you can control your condition then issues and complications like this won’t arise in the first place and your lifestyle is unlikely to be affected. Remember to speak to your Doctor if issues do begin to arise, there’s a chance that they’re not related to your diabetes at all!


Men: Solutions for…

– Erectile dysfunction. This is best solved the traditional way, with Viagra or other erectile dysfunction medication. You may find that you’ll require higher dosage than the norm but if could prove an effective treatment for your condition. Doctors also have some more extreme measures, ranging from penis pumps to surgery and most everything in between.

– Retrograde Ejaculation. There’s a specific drug which was developed to strengthen the muscles of your bladder’s sphincter, which can help prevent this condition.



Women: Solutions For…

– Vaginal Dryness and pain/discomfort in intercourse. Try vaginal lubricants to help ease this issue, they should make intercourse much more pleasurably

– Issue achieving orgasm. Kegal exercises which strenghten pelvic floor muscles may help to improve your sexual response and again make the whole experience much more pleasurable for you!
