Diabetics, do you know how to prevent Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy is a condition which tends to effect diabetics around ten years after being diagnosed with the condition. It’s a degradation in the nervous system and can effect almost any part of the body but most commonly damages the nerves in the extremities (hands and feet) which can lead to cuts and abrasions being unnoticed and going septic.
There are several simple steps you can take to prevent the emergence of diabetic neuropathy, lessen the damage if you’ve already got it and maintain your overall levels of wellness:


–                    Keep your blood-sugar under control! If you’re a diabetic you should be doing this anyway, keeping tabs on your blood-sugar levels is imperative to you living a long and healthy life after all. The damage to your nerves will only occur when your blood-sugar is allowed to rise unchecked so make sure to keep it and your condition well under control!

–                    Look after those feet!  If you know you’ve got diabetic neuropathy and you’ve already noticed numbness is your feet, then you need to check them regularly for any damage. Make sure any shoes you wear are free of detritus which could cause irritation and make sure they don’t rub or cut into your skin. If you catch any damage early and treat with antiseptic then you’ll diminish the likelihood of amputation! Regular visits to your foot doctor will also be immensely beneficial here.

–                    Smokers beware! Smoking increases the likelihood of diabetic neuropathy and if you’ve already got the condition it will exacerbate it. If you smoke you need to do your utmost to stop or you could seriously endanger your health in ways which smoking wouldn’t for others.


So, make sure you follow the tips above and you should minimise any damage done to you and keep those feet where they belong. At the end of your legs!
