Joint Pain Treatment – Th Natural Relief

Joint pain treatments vary from herbs to massage.  Natural Joint Pain Relief offers a safer and sometimes more effective alternative to synthetic drugs. Learning as much as possible about joint inflammation and the effects in other areas of health is important for total overall wellness. Good health including stress management and healthy eating is a good starting point for solving any health problems.  You need to learn about joint inflammation and the effects in other areas of health.

The following methods for Joint Pain treatment may be useful:

  • Natural Relief:  It includes herbal tea, change in diet, and identifying food allergies. Boswellin is an ancient herb used as incense proving to be highly effective in providing natural joint pain relief. White willow bark is another effective choice in joint pain treatments. It can be found in health food stores and dates back to Hippocrates as an effective treatment. Red grape leaves offer the same blocking of Cox-2 that causes joint pain. Holy basil is yet another time test cure dating back many thousands of years. All of these treatments are found in the health food store in capsule form. Ginger, turmeric, rosemary, or oregano used in cooking also aids in providing natural joint pain relief.


  • Synthetic Drugs:  Taking drugs is a short-term pain relief measure and is not a permanent answer. The most popular and widely used synthetic drug on the market today is used to help people manage the pain. Drug Cox-2, creates digestive problem.  The other drugs available in the market, though reduce the pain, do not address the actual problem.


  • Surgery: If the pain persists, you need to consult your Doctor.  He may even offer forms of surgery as options, but the success rate is either minimal or, again, short term.


  • Diet:   Reducing intake of carbohydrates from the diet will decrease joint size almost immediately. Refined carbohydrates inflame the joints just like Cox-2 in prescription drugs. Increase the diet with foods containing high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids include fish products, grass-fed beef, and flaxseed either in the form of oil or ground seed. These are general solutions that work for most people. Drinking green tea instead of coffee reduces the irritation to the joints due to eliminating toxins and reducing the Cox-2 found in coffee.


Proper nutrition feeds to overcome most of the health problems a person needs. A multivitamin is a good place to start when changing a diet plan.  This might include more protein, calcium, vitamin C and D, with more vegetables.  It will start the body off with a lot of the needed nutrients, which is a form of natural joint pain relief. Joint pain treatments are not limited to herbal supplements and synthetic drugs.

No treatment either synthetic or natural is 100% effective all the time.  Creating a regular exercise program, changing eating habits, and even meditation or prayer will help calm the body and ease the problem.