Business Journal: Registration open for Chamber bowling event

Business Journal: Registration open for Chamber bowling event

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Managers who are looking to provide team building or reward opportunities for their employees may find that Bowling for Business is right up their alley.


Bowling for Business encourages interaction among employees in a fun and laid-back environment and promotes friendly competition among participating businesses. The event, hosted by the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce, will take place Friday, June 27, at Conway Family Bowl. Crafton Tull is the presenting sponsor.


Bowling for Business offers morning and afternoon “flights” separated by lunch. The morning flight is from 10 a.m. until noon, and the afternoon flight is from 1-3 p.m. Lunch is from noon to 1 p.m. Lunch is included for all participants, giving more than 200 professionals the chance to network while enjoying traditional bowling alley fare. Smith Ford, Southwestern Energy Company and Kimberly-Clark are the lunch sponsors.


Five-person team sponsorships are still available for $200. To participate in Bowling for Business on June 27, register online at or call 501-327-7788.