Music & Other Common Techniques to Improve Mental Health

We all need pick-me-ups to carry us through the low times. But before you reach for the wine or the coffee, consider a few ideas to energise you and boost your wellbeing at no cost at all!

Experience the joy of music – Music makes you feel motivated and inspired, whether you’re driving with the wind in your hair, smiling to yourself on the tube, or dancing wildly in your living-room!

Hydrate yourself – the human body is 60-80% water, so it stands to reason that your mood and concentration suffers when you are even a little dehydrated. Drink a cool glass of water or a comforting mug of herbal tea and reflect on their purifying qualities!

Learn acupressure – find out the key pressure points for mood and focus (the base of the skull is one). Soon, you will develop a do-it-yourself acupressure routine to help you out in times of crisis!

Breathe – when we are stressed or unhappy, our breathing becomes irregular and shallow. At these times, consciously tune in to the rhythm of your breath and start to take it all the way down to the abdomen. You could also add a visualisation – breathe in light, and breathe out darkness and negativity.

Move – your mind takes its cue from your body. This is the logic behind so many of the crazy meditation techniques created by the guru, Osho. If you’re feeling down – get up! Move, shake, dance, and jump, after a few minutes you will feel positive again.

Say hello to the sun – low moods can often be attributed to a seasonal condition. When you’re feeling down or suffering low energy, get outside and soak up energy from the sun. After all, it sustains of all life on this planet; contemplating this puts everything into perspective.

Connect with others – isolation from others is a big cause of depressive mood build-up. Reach out to another in affection and watch your negative mental structure collapse!

Mental wellness is a constant exercise for all of us, and we need strategies to overcome life’s obstacles in this area. For those who have more difficulties in the battle, it is advisable to consult a complementary therapist who will guide you in the process. Happiness is everyone’s birthright, so never struggle alone.

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