What is Kundalini Yoga and what are the health benefits?

Kundalini Yoga is growing in popularity in the West, and though it remains a niche practice, more and more people are asking questions about the concepts it works with. This form of Yoga combines many more technical aspects than are typical in Hatha Yoga. It includes chanting, meditation, chakra visualisations and even singing. Kundalini Yoga is based on ‘Kriyas’ or short sequences originally channelled by a guru, which must be followed exactly in order to gain the full benefits of them. Kundalini Yoga is a complementary practice that aims to offer you all eight steps of traditional yoga simultaneously.


The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken the power of Kundalini that lies latent in the body. This energy is usually personified with the idea of a coiled snake, lying dormant at the Root Chakra. The aim of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken this snake and bring it gradually up to the highest chakra, the Crown. Those who have achieved a full flow of Kundalini are said to be awakened. You may notice that some teachers of the discipline cover their heads; they do this because their Kundalini is already active. Covering the head keeps them grounded; quite literally prevents them from flying away with the strength of the energy present in their body.


If this sounds like an extreme scenario to you, then it is important to know the possibilities that lie behind it. One should be very careful when approaching Kundalini Yoga. It is not wise to undertake the practice if you are merely attracted to ‘getting high’ from the energy work involved. It is the most intense energy work of any complementary discipline, and, yes, it will have an effect. It is very important to ensure that you are healthy and stable before starting a Kundalini practice. Those who have been experimenting with drugs, or regularly drinking alcohol put themselves at risk when they start to work with energy in this way. Never forget that these techniques were traditionally shared only with a qualified elite, and were not known to the general public. In these times, when all information is on wide release, you must be responsible for yourself and keep a safe and healthy wellness routine before moving on to the next step.


The benefits of Kundalini Yoga are considerable, as long as you approach it safely. The most important thing is to find a good teacher who will guide you through your first experience working with your chakras and energy. From the beginning, you can expect an enhanced sense of wellbeing. Those with a particular emotional need are well served by Kundalini Yoga as there are ‘Kriyas’ targeted at many different conditions. Provided you have a good teacher as your guide, you can expect to bring your body and mind into balance, and a solid practice will ensure your wellness far into the future.

complementarykundalini yogaspiritual