Type One diabetes and the dangers of the drive home

Sufferers of  type one diabetes will have to put a great deal of time and effort into maintaining their health and general wellness, a great deal of time and energy has to go into managing their condition as any slip ups could be potentially deadly. Unlike type two diabetes which can be managed with a regulated diet and regular exercise, type one sufferers have to take regular injections of insulin which in itself is a huge lifestyle alteration from the norm.

The simplest things for the rest of us will require extra consideration for a type one diabetic and though, with the proper time and effort put in, there’s very little they can’t do they need to be constantly vigilant. One of the potential dangers of diabetes is hypoglycaemia which occurs when blood sugar levels drop too low. Hypoglycaemia can lead to all sorts of negative issues, the most serious of which are the diabetic coma and seizures. This can be a major issue if the diabetic in question is behind the wheel of a car as they could lose control of their vehicle and become a danger to themselves and everyone using the road at the same time.

If you’re a sufferer of type one diabetes and you’re planning to take a road trip, or your simply worried about hypoglycaemia while driving your car during the day to day aspects of your life, then we’ve got good news for you! We’ve put together a great list of items which should be kept in your car at all times just in case of an emergency, with these items you’ll be able to get your blood sugar back under control without endangering yourself or anyone else!


  1. Make sure you have a source of sugar. This can be glucose tablets or hard sweets but make sure you’ve always got access to a good supply, a lot of doctors and other health professionals recommend keeping a source of sugar on your person at all times.
  2. A Blood Glucose Metre in your glove box could be a life saver as you’ll be able to monitor your blood-sugar levels on the fly!

Keep a spare set of insulin and syringes in your car at all times so that even if you somehow manage to forget your shot, you’ll be prepared for anything!
