How a heart attack could affect your sex life

As a general rule, people aren’t very comfortable talking about sex. This is true when it comes to talking to our doctors perhaps even more than anyone else, an oddity considering we’re supposed to see them as more or less impartial. Unfortunately for sufferers of heart attacks, that inability to talk about it might ruin your sex life. That’s right, a lot of people who’ve had a lot of heart attacks are under the impression that engaging in sexual intercourse could bring about another one or even cause sudden death. If only you’d just asked the question!

The American Heart Association (AHA) has spoken out against this misconception. They’ve said that having sex is no more damaging to a heart attack sufferer than walking up the stairs is and if you can manage the latter then there’s very little risk in the former. Of course, any strain on your heart will always pose some risk of a recurrence of heart attacks and those who’ve had one are much more likely to suffer from more of the same. The risk is so low that the AHA has given the green light with a couple of guide lines to make sure your wellbeing and more to the point, your life, is protected.

AHA suggests checking with your doctor before you have sex. They might ask your to take part in a heart exercise test to check on its functionality and even have you exercise to build up its strength somewhat, generally however they’ll just give the green light. After a moderate heart attack it’s safe to start having sex again after just one week, providing you can make it up the stairs okay. If you can’t then it’s important to speak to your Doctor for advice on what’s best to do for you.

AdviceHeart Attacksexual health