1. Serve lots of fruits and vegetables – it is important to choose foods containing phytonutrients, such as vitamin C and carotenoids. Phytonutrients can increase the body’s production of white blood cells and other antibodies to infection. Foods high in these include carrots, oranges, green beans and strawberries. Of course, the ‘5 a day’ rule is an excellent one and should be followed throughout adulthood too!
2. Make sure your kids get plenty of sleep – sleep deprivation can make your kids more susceptible to illness. Remember that babies need up to 18 hours per day, toddlers up to 13 and pre-schoolers about 10 hours.
3. Breast-feed your baby – breast milk is rich in immunity-boosting antibodies and aids the formation of white blood cells. Breast-feeding guards against many infant infections, and can prevent the development of chronic conditions such as Crohn’s disease and diabetes in later life.
4. Exercise together – be a good role model to your kids and boost their enthusiasm for exercising regularly. Exercising as a family will be a lot of fun and may help you establish a family tradition that keeps your sense of wellness strong!
5. Guard against the spread of germs – don’t be over-scrupulous about this, as we now know that exposure to germs can actually help the immune system develop. However, basic hygiene is a must. Ensure your kids wash their hands often, especially before eating and when coming in from outdoors.
6. Banish smoke from your household – passive smoke inhalation can have a devastating effect on your family’s health. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 toxins, most of which have a destructive effect on healthy cells. Kids are more susceptible than adults to the effects of passive smoke, so cut it out immediately.
7. Be gentle with your doctor! – don’t urge your G.P. to prescribe antibiotics at the first sign of sickness. Too many antibiotics actually lower immune capabilities. Plus, in many cases it doesn’t help the condition; the majority of childhood illnesses are caused by viruses, and antibiotics treat illnesses caused by bacteria.