Help from Turmeric in the fight against Oesophageal Cancer

Oesophageal cancer doesn’t receive much press, so you may be surprised to know that it is the eighth most common type of cancer in the world, and the sixth most lethal. In fact, statistics show a death rate of four to ten people per 100,000 every year in the U.S.A. According to official statistics, men over 50 are most at risk, but it seems like a cancer that deserves more attention from all of us. Treatment for oesophageal cancer can be very debilitating, as are all medical treatment methods. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used, but often with a very low success rate. It is important, therefore, that we open the door to complementary supports to the treatment process.


Promising new research suggests that curcumin, the principal compound found in turmeric, is an excellent cancer fighter, with special effectiveness in fighting oesophageal cancer. Its method of doing so is not yet fully understood, but the result of this research is promoting a lot more interest in the topic, so we can hope for a fuller explanation in the medical press very soon.


Previous research has reported that turmeric, powered by curcumin, can reduce the growth of tumours by as much as 81%. This ground-breaking finding was found to apply to tumours in 9 out of 11 cases, in a study that took place at the University of California. The same study saw 21 participants with head and neck cancer have the progress of their cancer halted, after taking chewable supplements containing 1,000mg of curcumin. The application of turmeric to oesophageal cancer was inspired by the fact that it is very difficult to halt once underway. Curcumin, therefore, is a perfect agent to apply to the initial legions in the throat that suggest it is on its way.


Turmeric is an extremely cheap and widely available protection against one of the world’s most deadly cancers. And let’s not forget, it’s also an excellent addition to your dietary wellness, being a useful tonic in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Some commentators have even claimed that it will become ‘the next Vitamin D’! It is hoped that more studies will be commissioned on the subject, and if the results continue to be promising we can expect a massive boost to well-being worldwide.
