Why we’re all little liars when it comes to romance

Did you know that we’re all little liars when it comes to our romantic lives? Most of us don’t even know it either, we actually think we’re telling the truth and maybe consciously we are but at our subconscious and primal core we’re all about a very different thing. What am I talking about you ask? Why, what we go for in perspective partners of course.

Many of us will say that looks aren’t as important as personality; we’ll tout our desire for an emotional connection and our partner needing to be good or intelligent but what we really want is a “hotty with a body”.  It’s in-built and not something that we can control. Think about how many people end up with partners who’re nothing like them, the only thing they have in common is physical attraction and I’m telling you now it’s not always a bad thing. Sex is a cornerstone of a good romantic relationship; you’re never closer to your partner emotionally and of course physically than during intercourse and this can very easily supersede all other requirements. Ask yourself, would you rather be with a partner with whom the sex was terrible but the connection was good, or a partner with whom the sex was outstanding but the connection wasn’t really there? A relationship without sex is a friendship, and there’s nothing wrong with that at all.

Scientists have been working to prove this very point through the use of a flash card type computer program which monitors subjects reaction to certain words and images. These reactions are subconscious and occur before we’ve had time to process the information and allow the researchers to get a good read on what we actually want in a partner.
They found that what people say they want and what they actually go for tend to be two separate things and we’re often not even aware that we’re doing it! Little liars, all of us!
