Ormie King: Some old photos of great Auburnians

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There’s an old song that has a line in it that goes “Faded photographs are like the memories of our mind.”


All you folks out there have sent me so many photos like these and others, that there is not enough space to create an entire column, even though many deserve that space. So from time to time I will run photos of local Legends of Auburn so that you folks can enjoy seeing them once again. Many thanks to all of you for these contributions, and these photos will be placed in the Cayuga Community College local history room and also at the Health Central display case, Auburn City Hall entrance foyer, and Balloon’s and Curley’s restaurants.


Photo No. 1 is courtesy of Denny Zanowick and this was his 1965 Mt. Carmel Royals baseball team, and they had a great team of athletes. Denny sent it to me some time ago.


Denny Zanowick was a star athlete for Mt. Carmel back in the 1960s era and his mom is Theresa Zanowick, who does a lot of nice things for other folks of Auburn. She was married to Bowden “Bud” Zanowick, who has passed on, and he played football for the Auburn Maroons when they went undefeated.


Left to right in the back row of the photo are Gary Salvage, Tony Wrobel, an unknown player and  Sam Trigillo. In the second row from left are Joe Capello, an unknown player, Denny Zanowick, Mike Didio, Anatole Yarko and Bill Dolan. Pictured in the first row from left are an unknown player, Hoppy Salzer, Joe Rabuano, Jim Cotter, an unknown player and Dave McCarthy.


Denny Zanowick has a soft spot in his heart for his former hometown and he would love to hear from any of his many teammates and friends. His address is 12530 W. Sierra St., El Mirage, AZ 85335 or you can email DennisZanowick@centrvrylink.net.


Photo No. 2 is courtesy of Marcia and Mike Walsh, showing their family. Front row from left are Peter and Laura, then Andrew, Lisa and Rita; back row from left are Josie and Jack, then Paul, Amy and Chelsea, and finally Mike and Marcia.


Mike and Marcia are great folks and friends who always go above and beyond to make our community a better place to live in.


I can’t believe she did this, but Marcia compiled seven books, each containing colored photos, and under each photo she gave the history of that particular item. One book is about all of the houses on Grover Street, another on Fort Hill Cemetery, another on all of the historic signs within Auburn, as well as three books about all the rest of Auburn’s great historical buildings, churches, schools, industry, businesses, etc. Not only did she do this great task, but she also had a tree planted for me, to which I told her “she was trying to make a sap out of me!” But all kidding aside, it would be a huge challenge for anyone to duplicate what she has done.


A large thank you to Marcia Walsh for what she has done for her community. The seven books can be seen in the Legends Room at the CCC library. If you like Auburn history, this, to me, represents one of the best presentations I’ve seen. Thanks, Marcia!