The potential perils of flying for diabetics

It’s all right, we’ve got some great tips on getting you through that airport with a minimum of fuss. We know it can be strenuous for you and for that reason we’ve been thinking long and hard about what could go wrong and we’ve tried to plan ahead just for you. So, without further ado…

Potential Risks

–                    Lost Luggage. Hell for regular passengers, potentially deadly for the type one diabetics amongst us. Getting stranded anywhere without your insulin for any amount of time can be dangerous but if you’re in a strange country whose language you may not know you could find yourself in serious trouble!

–                    Layovers. Again, this could cause you to be without your luggage for a protracted period of time!

–                    Medical Emergency en-route. Be it on the plane or simply in the airport, you blood sugar could crash or spike, all manner of complications could occur and what would you do in unfamiliar surrounds?



–                    Doctors. You need to see yours before you leave. They’ll need to check and see that your diabetes is being kept under good control, this’ll involve some standard tests but could well ensure your safety on your travels!

–                    Get a note! Your doctor will provide you with a signed note if you ask, detailing your condition and any medication you’ll need to carry with you. This will include syringes which some could see as weapons, so make sure to get that note!

–                    Learn to say ‘I am a diabetic’ in the language of the country you’re visiting.

Keep emergency supplies on you at all times, include in these extra prescriptions so you can replace anything which gets lost while you’re abroad at any decent pharmacy!
