Kickboxer barred after glassing

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By Alex Winter

A KICKBOXER who was “dragged into a row” on his brother’s birthday accidentally hit a party-goer in the face with a glass, a court has heard.


Alex Hincks, of Footners Lane in Burton, has been barred from Bournemouth nightspot Bar So following the incident, which took place in early May.


Bournemouth Magistrates’ Court heard that the 27-year-old struck a stranger with a glass from a distance of three or four feet after bouncers asked the party to leave.


Prosecuting, Alison Saunders said the defendant was with a group of males, who had become involved in a “heated argument” with a second gathering of older men.


“[At the time he threw the glass] he was forceful and purposeful,” she said.


However, Jonathan Morrissey, mitigating, said the defendant – who currently works on film sets at Shepperton Studios – was “remorseful almost as quickly as the incident took place”.


“He enjoys fitness training and Thai kickboxing,” he said.


“If he had seriously wanted to injure somebody, he would have been able to do so.”


He said Hincks, who was “in drink” at the time, intended to throw his drink on to the floor after being told to leave.


“He was reckless as to whether or not that drink would hit somebody,” he said.


The injured party, who sustained a cut close to his eye, did not make a complaint, and so the defendant was charged with using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with the intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence. He was sentenced to a 12-month community order and barred from the nightclub for 12 months.