What is the Chakra system and how can it affect your health?

What is the Chakra system and how can it affect your health?

The chakra system has its roots far back in ancient Indian scripture. Chakras are centres of the body corresponding to physical, emotional and energetic parts of the physical and astral bodies. They were discovered by the ancient sages of India, who intuited their presence and location. Interestingly, they correspond to nerve centres evident in modern medical science, which explains a lot about our sensitivity in these areas. Chakra work is a key part of modern complementary therapies, and every individual can boost their wellbeing by being aware of them.


The root – the root chakra is situated at the perineum; quite literally the root of the spine. It is especially associated with the issue of security and rootedness. Feelings of fear and insecurity indicate an imbalance in this chakra.

The sacral plexus – this is the ‘pleasure chakra’, which is especially related to the experience of sexual pleasure. An over or under-active sex drive, feelings of guilt, or relationship dysfunction are signs of a problem in this chakra.

The solar plexus – this chakra is related to your sense of power and relationships with others. Passivity, aggression and arrogance all emanate from an imbalance in this chakra.

The heart – the heart chakra is the centre of emotion and compassion. If you are experiencing trust issues, selfishness, or a lack of feeling for others, you are most likely suffering a block here.

The throat – this is the ‘communication chakra’. The speed and content of what you express in the world is all conditioned by the health of this chakra. You might have a weakness in this chakra if you find you talk too much, or have a lack of confidence in expressing yourself.

The “third eye” – this chakra is the seat of intuition and psychic abilities. A healthy “third eye” chakra means you are in tune with the world around you as well as the needs of others. Failings in this area include misinterpretations, forgetfulness, or intellectual weakness.

The crown – the crown chakra is the highest chakra in the body, and the one that opens directly to the universe. It is responsible for your sense of spiritual connection; as such, overt materialism and cynicism are a sign that this chakra is at a stage of immaturity.

To evaluate your own chakras, find a good guide on chakras and psychology, or seek out a suitable complementary therapist. When you know which chakras need work, you can take specialised advice about how to open and maintain energy flow through them. You might find that an emotional problem you thought you’d ‘just have to live with’ is actually easily solved. The health of the whole chakra system is essential to your wellness, and a full appraisal an ideal starting point.
