The benefits of becoming an energy healer

The benefits of becoming an energy healer

Energy healing is as old as religion itself, and we have multiple examples of its use in faiths around the world. With the flow of the East into the West, it’s becoming an increasingly mainstream practice. More and more people are making use of this complementary method of healing, and some are even starting to use it on themselves and their families. Nowadays, training courses are readily available to help you utilise the universal life force energy for the sake of your family’s wellbeing.

There are many schools of energy healing, but it’s probably fair to say that the most widespread is now Reiki. This ancient Japanese form of healing involves holding the hands above the patient’s body and allowing universal energy to flow from the crown of your head, through your hands and into their body. It is not something you force, and you do not give your own energy. You merely need to relax, and maintain your intention to heal.

Reiki does not only help the person receiving the treatment. Of the many reasons to practice Reiki, one of the main things to bear in mind is that this is a meditation therapy for the giver, as well as the receiver. As the giver, the mental concentration you maintain through the process, as well as the sensations through your body, leave you feeling as calm and clear as the patient does after the treatment. Alternatively, you can give Reiki directly to yourself. Simply place your hands on the site of disease and wait for the energy to flow. Indeed, self-treatment is the ideal way to convince yourself of the effectiveness of Reiki when you are first learning.

Reiki courses are inexpensive, and the beginner’s Level One course takes only a weekend to complete. They are available all over the world, and many practitioners are also qualified to give the Level One training. Simply consult the internet for a qualified teacher who you find trustworthy. In very little time, you can be practising a simple meditative healing technique that raises the wellness of your whole family.

complementaryenergy healerreiki