Remembering The Lost Art Of Embroidery

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Does anyone do embroidery these days or has it become a lost art? When I was a girl, it was very popular. I learned the basic stitches from my mother before I was 10 years old. Growing up in the wilds of Wisconsin, with no other children close by to play with, I was always looking for ways to amuse myself and embroidery filled many cold and snowy winter hours. After I married and had children, there was little time to embroider, but occasionally I turned out a pair of pillowcases or a dresser scarf. (Remember those?)


I forgot about embroidery for many years, until a few weeks ago when, looking for something in the back of a closet, I came across a neatly wrapped package with a half finished piece of embroidery inside — a child’s quilt cover with cute animals on it. I remembered starting it for a friend’s new grandchild and don’t know why I never finished it. “Do I still know how to do this?” I asked myself. Although my hands aren’t as steady as they once were, I was delighted to find that I was able to do the stitches. I am well on the way to finishing it and when it is done, will donate it somewhere as the baby it was intended for is now in his teens.


Embroidery goes back to the 5th and 3rd Centuries B.C. It was treasured as having high social status in the Medieval Islamic world. Over time, little has changed in the basic stitches — chain, lazy daisy, blanket, stem, French knots are all the same as they were eons ago.


Payson Senior Center and Thrift Store

The Braille and Talking Library program scheduled for tomorrow, June 18, has been cancelled.


Thursday, June 19, members with birthdays this month will be honored at lunch. Menu for the day is pepperoni pizza, mixed greens, tomatoes, carrots and broccoli, pineapple tidbits and birthday cake. Advance reservations are required and may be made by calling (928) 474-4876 or stopping in the Center Lobby at 514 W. Main St. between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays.


You can win cash prizes playing bingo Fridays at the Center. The game is open to the public from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. No lunch will be served, but a snack bar will be open.


The dining room, which originally was to be closed June 23, will be open for lunch that day. There will be no lunch served on June 30 as the dining room will be closed for remodeling. Lunch meals resume on July 1.


No lunches are served on Fridays, but Meals on Wheels will be delivered to the homebound.


Fill a bag (which will be provided) with as much clothing as will fit in it June 20-21 and 27-28, for $1 at the Senior Thrift Store, 512 W. Main St.