The LoLo Project — The First Team to Predict the Path of a Tornado Accurately is Ready to Begin …

The LoLo Project — The First Team to Predict the Path of a Tornado Accurately is Ready to Begin …

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“The mission of The Lolo Project is to drastically exceed both lead time and accuracy in the event of a tornado. Thus giving residents of tornado prone areas a fair chance to get themselves and loved ones to safety. Should our hypothesis remain supported throughout the project, we will not only accomplish this goal, but contribute a solidified answer to the age long question ‘How can meteorologists predict tornadoes?'”


Among the various severe weather conditions tornadoes are one of the most unpredictable and catastrophic. To this day whenever a tornado occurs meteorologists are unable to predict its destructive path, this makes tornados even more dangerous and damaging. People living in the tornado prone areas try to take as many precautions as they can when they are alerted by authorities or weather reports of a potential tornado occurring, but unfortunately most of the time there is very little knowledge and information about a tornado’s occurrence and its path.


This leaves very little time and opportunities for people to prepare themselves, also for the alerts to be effective the people have to be highly informed of tornado safety. LoLo project might be a Tornado Prediction breakthrough that the meteorologists have been waiting for because it will help in the accurate prediction of the path of a tornado and touch down zone even before cone formation. According to the LoLo Project website:


“The Lolo project was initially designed by April R. Vogt, an undergraduate meteorology student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. After years of research, Vogt devised a hypothesis that correlates ground level pressure, temperature, and humidity to determining the path of a tornado prior to cone formation. The intention of The LoLo Project is to experiment Vogt’s hypothesis and create a cost effective ground level monitoring system that will increase accuracy in weather forecasting.”


A particular area in the U.S is highly prone to vicious tornadoes dubbed the Tornado Alley, there violent and long tracked tornadoes cause high number of casualties but if the LoLo Project experimentation is fruitful loss of many lives, homes and communities can be prevented. The team behind the project seeks support for their project; they also require funding for the experimentation and further research therefore are in need of sponsors. The LoLo Projects mission is:


“The mission of The Lolo Project is to drastically exceed both lead time and accuracy in the event of a tornado. Thus giving residents of tornado prone areas a fair chance to get themselves and loved ones to safety. Should our hypothesis remain supported throughout the project, we will not only accomplish this goal, but contribute a solidified answer to the age long question ‘How can meteorologists predict tornadoes?’”



About LoLo Project:

The LoLo Project is based on a hypothesis that can potentially give meteorologist the ability to predict both the touch down zone and path of a tornado prior to cone formation. The project is in its experimental phase.