However every silver lining has its dark cloud and even though birth control pills are safer than ever and cause the least amount of side effect, they still cause some. You’d be hard pushed to find any modern medicine which doesn’t have a side effect or two; they’re mostly harmless and so unlikely or infrequent that most people will never experience them. The issue becomes apparent when you learn just what the side effect I’m talking about is.
Some ladies who are on the most recent generation of birth control pills have found that they’ve had a decreased sex drive in general and in actual fact haven’t wanted to have sex after all that effort to make it so safe! This is slightly ironic when you think about it and in a way it’s a form of birth control all of its very own, just not the kind you really want.
Don’t worry though ladies, as I said there are all sorts of ways that you can have safe sex. There are also a whole plethora of different kinds of pill you can go on, meaning that if you find that one decreases your sex drive you can talk to your doctor and ask to be transferred onto a different one. Problem Solved.