How Type Two Diabetes Could Keep you up at Night

Just what is sleep apnoea? Well, it’s a condition which has been linked with obesity and type two diabetes which results in sufferers stopping breathing several (sometimes hundreds) of times during the night. When the stop breathing they wake up suddenly and as such they don’t get a full and uninterrupted nights sleep very often. Persistent lack of sleep can cause all sorts of health conditions of its own and it’s not something to take lightly, we need to be well rested in order to function well during the day. Less sleep means, among other things, a lessening of efficiency.


For those type two diabetics over the age of 65, sleep apnea becomes a real concern. There’s a 67% for men and a 50% chance for women to suffer from this condition and that means a lot of sleepless nights are going to be had by a lot of people. For diabetics the danger’s even worse as sleep apnea increases the stress and strain put on the body which in turn can cause blood-sugar levels to rise. For those who have to manage their blood-sugar levels perpetually, this can lead to some unpleasant complications and ultimately death.


If you’re part of the group more likely to get sleep apnea and you’re concerned about your wellness don’t fret! We’ve put together a list of symptoms, if you suffer from any of these then it’s important you see your doctor as soon as possible so you can start to target the condition immediately.

–                    Chronic fatigue caused by persistent lack of sleep. You may fall off without realising it.

–                    Issues in maintaining concentration at times where you haven’t had an issue before.

–                     Mood Swings and irrational behaviour

–                    Blood-sugar levels which become much more difficult to keep under control.

DiabetesInformationSleep apnoea