The treatment for lymphedema has quite a high success rate in restoring wellness and involves CDT (Complete Decongestive Therapy). This therapy includes the following treatments combined:
Bandages around swelling – compressing, non elastic bandages are used to help reduce the swelling and apply gentle pressure to the area. This helps stop the area re-filling and also prevents infection.
Regular exercise – taking gentle exercise helps the fluid to drain. For head and neck lymphedema special exercise techniques are required.
Manual lymphatic drainage – gentle brushing of the skin helps cleanse the lymph gland and drain fluid out of the blocked areas into the bloodstream. Ten or more sessions of this may be required depending on the level of drainage required.
Sleep upright – sleeping upright automatically helps with lymphatic drainage.
There are ways you can help prevent the development of lymphedema. For example, avoid skin infections by being very careful not to get cuts or burns and use an electric shaver rather than a razor. If you do get a cut, make sure you wash it thoroughly and apply antibiotic creams as directed by your Doctor. You can also wear loose fitting clothes and avoid long baths or showers at high or low temperatures to reduce the kind of skin irritation that could lead to swelling. If you are undergoing cancer treatment, look into which techniques can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle and daily routine. After all, your state of wellbeing after cancer treatment is central to your state of mind, and gives you the ability to fight whatever trials the future holds.