Nutrient absorption
As with other aspects of our wellness, we need to eat well to live well. This applies to bones and we require a rich diet featuring foods full of calcium and Vitamin D, which helps us absorb the important mineral. In some bowel disorders, like Crohn’s and celiac disease we can have trouble processing these kinds of nutrients, so bones don’t grow as strong as they could. After a diagnosis of conditions like these, it’s important to seek medical help to make sure we’re getting the best advice to care properly for our bones.
Cells and hormones
Our bone cells are created by osteoblasts and removed by osteoclasts, but these cells can be affected by male/female hormones, such as oestrogen and testosterone. This is why post-menopausal women, or those that have had their ovaries removed or absence of periods could be more likely to get brittle bones. Although testosterone levels tend to stay stable in men, they can dip due to alcohol misuse or taking some medications like glucocortids. Whatever our gender, if we suffer from gland problems then this can interfere with the formation of new bone cells, as do some prostate and breast cancer drugs.
Is it hereditary?
Another factor that puts us at higher risk of getting osteoporosis is whether our immediate family have a history of fractures. Our parents may not have been diagnosed with the condition, but if they also broke bones following minor trips and falls, then this could be down to brittle bones. Getting a bone mineral density test confirms whether we have the disease or not so we can be given treatment to protect our health.