Staff at U of C bar get sexual assault prevention training

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Campus bar staff at the University of Calgary has undergone training to identify and intervene should an incident of sexual harassment arise on their watch.

The sexual assault prevention training at the school is being hailed as a proactive approach.

About 40 staff members at The Den in MacEwan Hall have undergone the training, provided by the Calgary Sexual Health Centre.

Student Union VP of Student Life Jonah Ardiel says this approach helps to create awareness, and has staff keeping watch while the students come to relax.

“If God forbid, something bad does happen, if there is a potential harmful situation, then the staff are trained on how to handle it, so that it doesn’t escalate into something that would be more severe,” he said.

Ardiel believes students feel its a safe campus, but adds, this training helps to foster a culture of respect for all students, faculty and staff.