We’re not here to tell you what you should be doing; we’re here to give you the facts. It’s up to you to decide which, if either of these two types of exercise you want to partake in.
Walking is easily done. You do it every day anyway and going just a bit further or faster can help you burn off excess calories much faster. It’s cheap and you don’t need any specialist equipment, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home if you really don’t want to. I’m not saying you should wander about your house aimlessly but, if it’s raining or cold outside then all I’m saying is that you can.
Studies have shown that walking regularly can help to stave off things like heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Walking has one final, perhaps less obvious advantage; it doesn’t require a special skill. Though most of us might not see swimming as such, it’s not something that everyone can do and many people go through their whole lives without ever learning to swim. For these people the only option here is walking and it’s not a bad option to have!
Swimming burns more calories because you’re using more groups of muscles and moving more in general. It’s easy to overlook just how much motion goes into swimming but when you see a swimmers body, someone who spends hours a day in the water you’ll see what a powerful impact swimming can have. It takes less time to lose weight with swimming and as you’re coming to a specific area to exercise you may find that it’s more structured than trying to lose weight with walking, which you can do everywhere.