What Madness is this? There are people running at this time..

A lot of people swear by jogging as a means of getting and then staying fit, some will run every evening and others every morning. For those of us that don’t run every morning, the idea of actually exerting ourselves beyond rolling out of bed and slumping into work might seem a little bit insane. In fact, it might seem almost mystical. How do these people find the energy to do anything like that before their morning coffee, sometimes before it’s even light outside? Well, we at Yourwellness know how you could do it if you wanted to; we’ve found a good set of energy boosters which could have you running laps before anyone else has even pressed the snooze button!


Drink a Lot

Of water guys, drink a lot of water. I don’t want to see a set of drunken morning runners on the streets, keep your hydration levels up by drinking water and drinking more of it if you’re exercising. Water helps your whole body function and as such, not having it will cause you problems. Think of it as lubricant of a kind, without it all of the little parts which work together to make us function as a whole would seize up and we’d start to grind to a halt.


Carbs Mean Love
Carbohydrates are our body’s fuel. Complex carbs are slow burning and will keep us going for much longer, think whole grains and certain fruit and veg. Sugary things are great energy boosters but they’re only temporary fixes and the drop in energy you’ll get when they run out will be as profound as the intial burst will be!



Slower digesting than carbs, protein will help you keep going for longer and leave you feeling full, meaning you won’t need to eat again straight after a run.

