7 Things to do in a Medical Emergency

No one ever wants to have to deal with a medical emergency, but it sure is a good feeling when you can. Your ability to handle a medical emergency could mean the difference between life and death. Here are seven things you should do when a medical emergency occurs.

1. Take a Deep Breath and Count to 10
The worst thing you can do in a medical emergency is panic. Talking 10 seconds to calm yourself will allow you to handle the emergency with a cool head.

2. Look Around for Hazards
Take a look around to make sure there are no hazards present that can make the situation worse. Make sure to move the patient away from any hazards before you begin treatment.

3. Have Someone Call 911
It is better if you can have someone else call 911 while you assess the patient, but you need to call yourself if no one else is available. Make sure that you answer all the questions asked to the best of your ability and follow all of the operator’s instructions completely. You also may have the option of using an emergency response service like 911 Industrial Response Inc.

4. Stop the Bleeding
If the patient is bleeding, it is important to put pressure on the wound to stem the blood flow. You may need to use a tourniquet if the blood is gushing out of an artery. Elevate the injured area to keep the blood from flowing as readily to the injured area.

5. Don’t Move the Patient if You Suspect a Spinal Injury
The worst thing you can do is to move the patient if there is a spinal injury. This could cause permanent paralysis. If you are unsure if the spine has been injured or not, then leave the patient lying where he is.

6. Give an Aspirin
If the medical emergency involves a heart attack, giving victims an aspirin can help save their lives. It will also help serve as a blood thinner which will ultimately help prevent the blood from clotting. However, if the emergency involves bleeding, do not give or take any aspirin.

7. Keep Them Calm Until the Ambulance Arrives
One of the most important things you can do in a medical emergency is to keep the patient from going into shock. You can do this by talking to the victim to keep him calm. Also, put a blanket or coat over the victim if there has been any blood loss.

If you follow these seven tips, you will be able to handle any medical emergency. Remember that the key is to stay calm and keep a cool head. This will ensure that you do things right, and it will also allow you to keep the patient calm as well.


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BloodEmergencyhandlehazardsMedicalmedical advicemedical emergencypatientspinal injurythings to do