Plan ahead
Planning your meals ahead of time, instead of deciding meal plans on the day, will not only save you time but it was also help you to stave off weight gain. If you’re deciding what to have for dinner thirty minutes before you eat it, chances are you’ll opt for something quick and easy, which invariably means a ready meal or a takeaway. However, if you plan lunches or dinners a week ahead, you can opt for a healthy meal of lean protein and vegetables.
Opt for more protein and less carbs
Not only does protein help to keep you feeling fuller for longer, but it also provides a better form of energy. Carbs offer a feeling of instant fullness and energy, but this wears off quickly leading you to overeat in order to satisfy your hunger again. Try pairing protein such as lean meat, Greek yoghurt and quinoa with rich leafy vegetables and you’ll be left with a low fat yet highly satisfying meal.
Walk more
You don’t need to set a certain amount of time to walking further, simply make better choices within your schedule. For example, if you drive to the supermarket, park further away so you burn a few extra calories. Take the stairs wherever possible, and even walk on your lunch break. Although it may seem like a small amount, those calories all build up.
Drink more water
Maintaining a healthy body involves staying as hydrated as possible, in order to improve your metabolism and encourage weight loss. Aim for around two litres a day to make sure you don’t dehydrate – while drinks such as tea and coffee all count, sticking to water as much as possible will save you the additional calories.
Exercise your core
Make use of the time when you are sitting down and tone your core! Squeeze your abs and hold good posture for about 15 seconds, before releasing – aim to do this several times a day and you’ll start to notice results sooner than you think.
Always have breakfast
Mistakenly people think that skipping breakfast saves you calories, but the opposite is actually true – after fasting for eight or more hours, it’s important to feed your body. Try to eat a healthy breakfast that’s low in salt, fat and sugar but high in protein to stay full until lunchtime.